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  1. P

    Currently owe 50k++ in consumer debt

    @neobondjames There are very few limitations on CC personal debt risk in msia. Banks know the failure rate, and set the interests accordingly. The good payers, as in any banks, pay for the bad, risk wise. The bad payers, getting squeezed into slow death spiral, provide liquidity they'll never...
  2. P

    Friend won’t pay me back, what’s my opinions?

    @amrie Don't be so harsh (albeit completely correct) on OP. Many people improvise themselves to be bankers. "It's just giving money to someone you know and waiting!". The problem being that most small borrowers of convenience (not out of necessity) are borderline mentally disordered people...
  3. P

    Advantage of becoming T20

    @frustrated27 I have never told anybody IRL how much I make for THAT reason alone. It begins with helping an aunt with her cancer treatment and then before you know it you're feeding a small unemployed village of your distant relatives and funding their latest hare-brained schemes...
  4. P

    Should I sell my house ? Any thoughts ?

    @bigfranck22 I, for one, would like to understand your numbers even at base level. A unit valued at 1mill, renting for 6.5k monthly, doesn't sound remotely possible. The property my employer rents out for me is valued at 4.5mil, was bought for 2.5 mill in 2017 and rents out for RM4.5K (which...