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    18 year old son with good savings

    @resjudicata Agreed. I told him once he gets to 30k. I’d go splits on something with him.
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    18 year old son with good savings

    @resjudicata Yeah. I agree with you. I like the long term game as well and try to tell him the benefits. But different generation man. He doesn’t like the idea of not having full access to it. Which is funny because he wants to buy real estate and rent out. Just different thought...
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    18 year old son with good savings

    @sharkbait13 Nice. Awesome thanks.
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    18 year old son with good savings

    @sharkbait13 What do mean. Massive investment firms go down all the time. I don’t know much about wealth simple. But I don’t think anyone is 100% safe unless your a big bank.
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    18 year old son with good savings

    @anna_jackson Sweet yeah I saw that actually. Great idea. 4% is great. No concerns with wealth simply going under is there?
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    18 year old son with good savings

    @michellep12 Maybe I’m wrong. But I just feel bad for the Canada they will be growing up in. He’s a hard worker but want him to be able to afford a house hopefully before 30. So just trying to give them any advantage as possible. He just turned 18 but we pay his car. Cell phone and gym...
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    18 year old son with good savings

    @jord Tell me about it.
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    18 year old son with good savings

    Hey all. Need some help. My son is 18. Working full time currently and just banking money. He currently has 15k saved. We pay for his car. His only real bills currently are his car insurance (400) and then any gas or spending money he spends. He’s thinking about school this coming sept but...
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    It's Tuesday!: let's talk about your salary and social perks! Be honest !

    @krynos Where you located? I’m in logistics. 74k. All kinds of other perks. Golf outings. Dinners all the time.