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    Realistic Officer Retirement Questions

    @emeralduche This information comes from 38 CFR:
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    Realistic Officer Retirement Questions

    @yburhannan82 Thanks for sharing.
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    "Post Retirement Expenses"

    As I think more into this, I wonder what each service retiree average life expectancy is. Some services get "beat up" more than others. Also, I'm sure it is heavily job specific and the deployment tempo is likely a huge factor. My mind is blown! 🤯
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    "Post Retirement Expenses"

    @nothinges Wow. This is horrifying. I've never seen this statistic and was hoping to look it up and see it was not true. This really worries me. I suppose this military thing takes an even greater toll than I thought. Source: The Mortality Rate of 100% Service-Connected U.S. Veterans...
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    When to retire from the military, and how to decide

    @nscr Well done! Love this. I see too many military members not saving while they are in and they get out and they HAVE to work for financial reasons when they could have saved and invested and done whatever they want once they retired.
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    Advice on TSP

    @holywalk Well said. I don't think most people should have any money in the G Fund if they are more than 10 years from retirement. I don't even think I'll have any money in bonds once I'm retired, UNLESS, I'm sitting on a fortune (at least $10M) and don't need to try to build any more wealth...
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    How is anyone enlisted still buying a house ?

    @turtledove13 Very few enlisted folks are buying homes in Cali these days, maybe the mil to mil couples are doing it. The last guy I know that purchased a house in Northern California did it last year. His house was around $600K and I think his mortgage rate was around 5%. He's married, E-5, and...