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    TIL - If your tax rate at contribution and withdrawal is the same, your take home from pretax RRSP contribution is the same as TFSA at withdrawal

    @saralouben You save enough TFSA for 65-69 to claim max GIS. CPP will be subjected to GIS clawback, so once you take CPP at 70 your RRSP withdrawals won't matter when you factor GIS, as most of your GIS will be clawed back at that point anyways.
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    TIL - If your tax rate at contribution and withdrawal is the same, your take home from pretax RRSP contribution is the same as TFSA at withdrawal

    @melsha Almost nobody has a higher average tax rate at retirement than their marginal rate at time of contribution. RRSPs are still God-king compared to TFSAs if you immediately invest the tax credit.
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    Single 55 yr old woman. What’s next?

    @cradlerc58 They're not kids, they are adults. Adults pay rent.
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    10 y GIC at 5% or S&P 500 in your TFSA ?

    @giddyg 19% YTD. Money market gang so far at 2.5% YTD 😂
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    Are bonds an obvious investment now, if you believe that we will return to the 2010-1019 interest rate regime?

    @daniellea Exactly, thanks for this. We have some folks that make investment decisions based on feelings, rather than objective, academically-driven data.
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    Are bonds an obvious investment now, if you believe that we will return to the 2010-1019 interest rate regime?

    @resjudicata Interest rates have declined for 800 years... It is not an aberration.