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    Review of investment strategy + questions

    @hrosec Charles Schwab international is open to all. I am nor Swiss nor American, I live in Switzerland. It works well for me, but maybe others are easier to open. When I opened it it was one of the very few that were offering zero fees on trades, now there are more.
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    Review of investment strategy + questions

    @georgehay The thing with p2p is that a few bad borrowers can ruin the entire thing, the profit is so uncertain. And it’s kind of correlated with the general economy, because people stop paying when they lose their jobs, so it doesn’t really serve the purpose of guaranteeing a fixed return like...
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    Review of investment strategy + questions

    @georgehay Very similar to what I have. The only difference is that I don’t have p2p lending (I used to, and was disappointed; where do you do it?) and that my single stock part is smaller (I used to do it, I am bad at it). Another small difference is that I have a small portion in real estate...
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    3a without tax benefits

    @actuallyfun Sure, but it’s something like 0,3%. It is hardly comparable to what a capital gain tax would be, when the wealth is invested.
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    Buying Swiss ETFs

    @jaylyn As others have said, pillar 3 is you Swiss allocation and pillar 2 is your fixed return. Don’t overcomplicate your investments outside of those.
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    3a without tax benefits

    @travisqtc There is no capital gain tax in Switzerland, full stop. Investing in a pension instrument (pillar 2 and pillar 3) means that you will pay taxes on their distributions, even if it's capital gain. For that reason those distributions are taxed at a lower rate. This means that there is...
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    How much Swiss rental income tax should I pay?

    @bella96 Correct. You can also deduct some maintenance expenses (and there is an automatic deduction of 10% of your rental income), but that has little effect (it also affects the tax bracket but is not subtracted to your taxed income). In any case, it is done automatically in the tax forms.
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    Looking for advice on what to do with 300K CHF

    @maxamir Interesting question, OP. We are also thinking of what to do with our money, although we have a substantial part invested. By the way, I find it a bit surprising to have 300k with no investments: I am more tolerant to risk, but most of my wealth is invested, not cash. Regarding...
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    Home bias in finpension pillar 3a

    @tastywallet I’ll check the requirement, maybe it has changed. Regarding the big cap / small cap, I think most indices would be large cap anyway (think s&p500). With large+mid you probably cover really a lot of the market, so unless you want to overrepresent small caps I would not worry too much.
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    Home bias in finpension pillar 3a

    @tastywallet With VIAC you can do a more global allocation, but you are still overexposed to Swiss companies. There is a legal requirement that at least 40% (I think) is in CHF, so this may be the reason.
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    House in Italy/Spain with Swiss mortgage?

    @elcamino Padova. 2% sul valore dell’appartamento, che è 120k. Se hai accesso a un buon mutuo, le cose migliorerebbero perché hai un effetto leva (stesso income, meno gli interessi, ma su un denominatore minore). Però tieni conto che un ETF come REET mantiene il valore bene (un po’...
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    House in Italy/Spain with Swiss mortgage?

    @elcamino Ti posso dire la mia esperienza, io ho un appartamento che affitto a canone concordato, e pago la cedolare secca al 10%. Contratto 4+4, con persona affidabilissima. In totale, direi che tolte le tasse (cedolare e IMU) mi entra un 2% del valore di acquisto. Metti pure che avevo...
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    Why a Swiss broker?

    @hard_to_get_by_right_now Good point. I have only been asked whether I am a “US person”, and having bank/trading accounts there wouldn’t count, but they could be stricter than that.
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    Why a Swiss broker?

    @mythicangel516 Your second and third point (in a way) are currently my concern. I have my investments with a US broker. I am slightly concerned that the broker could at some point play some curved ball and apply some weird logic that can freeze my money, and it would be a mess to fight. I...
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    IBKR US witholding tax

    @daibushi In my experience in Zurich, they will refund you the withholding almost immediately. The tax bill comes much later.
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    3-4 years fixed horizon, what to do? iBonds?

    @moma19 I did some simple math some time ago. It’s very difficult to create a safe portfolio over three years, and the “guaranteed” return would be small. Not worth it. I would just use the promotional offer of some savings account.