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    ETF composition Questions for Saving Plan

    @kcnalp > Vanguard EUR Eurozone Government Bond UCITS ETF - DIS Effective YTM: -0.0%. Minus the management fees, you're just losing money on this turd. Unless you want to bet rates are going to go even lower? Then you should go for longer maturities.
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    U.S. citizen opening a European online savings account (recommendations)

    @clarityaim Schwab's FX markup is about 0.3% AFAIK. Cheaper than most banks, but not the best you can do. For reference, IB will change your currency for 0.002%
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    U.S. citizen opening a European online savings account (recommendations)

    @moonrabbit Unlikely any european bank would want to take you: first - compliance with FATCA is too much of a hassle, second - KYC rules, many banks want to see the client in person. Check if they can transfer money to Interactive Brokers. It's a reputable american broker so you will have zero...