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  1. I

    Advice on "overemployment" potential?

    @maluchristian If people found out, would you be embarrassed? A fairly good rule to play by for commercial decisions in a small market.
  2. I

    Advice on "overemployment" potential?

    @maluchristian Doesn't pass my red face test. It's a small country. I suspect that the companies offering to employ you would not be stoked if they knew you were working 4 hours a day somewhere else. Word would get around. Why not tell them and see if they are still interested in employing you...
  3. I

    I think Auckland housing prices will continue to fall by 15%-25%

    @gavenv You got me curious so I looked up some numbers. The last time interest rates were at this level was during the drop in the GFC circa 2008 so actually 14 years ago. you're pretty much bang on for the auckland median then at 450k. Since then we've had wage inflation of a bit over 60%...