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  1. W

    3 points on my driving record in cali. All companies deny me or are too expensive! Any help?

    @nesiory Points on your license are irrelevant. Every insurance company charges their own points and their own premium per point. Those 2 incidents are likely much more severe with insurance companies, and incidents where you have 0 points on your license may still be showing up and impacting...
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    Car insurance went up to 5.5k from 1k 2 years after accident, what could be the reason?

    @antoninconohan Insurance companies have their own point system for tickets and accidents. That is where the 5 points are coming from. It has nothing to do with how many points are on your license with the DMV. I wouldn't get hung up on how many points there are either. Insurancr companies...
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    Need help finding lower insurance rates b/c current one is not sustainable

    @northee I assume you have comprehensive and collision because it is a newer vehicle? In my experience, that's a pretty decent rate for a younger male that many companies are going to consider a new driver (since they can't verify your driving history) on a newer car in NJ.
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    Their insurance won’t show us the bills?

    @misschris Why does it matter if you aren't the one paying it or getting paid?
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    Insurance Claim - Total Loss

    @ali64 I've never heard of anyone succeeding at filing 2 claims for the same accident, but you can certainly try. Your insurance will work to get what they paid out back and then return your deductible but i don't foresee them fighting for the rest of your custom equipment especially after you...
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    Insurance Claim - Total Loss

    @ali64 Unless you were paying for additional custom equipment coverage for all those items, you likely are not going to have them covered by your insurance. You are much more likely to have them covered by the other driver's insurance company since they would be liable to pay the actual cash...