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  1. J

    Anyone concerned AI will take their jobs?

    @hopingforchange Well, what I’m envisioning (and is already happening in some instances) is a C suite person saying “We can’t afford not to replace 75% of our staff with AI!” because it mostly sort of works and is a fraction of the cost of a human. So 75% of people get laid off, the remaining...
  2. J

    Anyone concerned AI will take their jobs?

    @hopingforchange Is this not the exact threat that AI poses though?
  3. J

    Anyone concerned AI will take their jobs?

    @abaez Okay… but OP is worried about folks losing jobs. I don’t think that pointing to factories as an example of “We’ll be fine” is the strongest argument against that.
  4. J

    Anyone concerned AI will take their jobs?

    @abaez Is this meant to be an example of an issue being overblown or or an example of it being catastrophic?