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  1. T

    The General will cancel my policy if I don’t pay them $0.00

    @elizevh To be fair, insurers cannot give insurance 'for free'. There has to be a premium exchanged for risk transfer.
  2. T

    Received DSP invitation today. Why I've decided not to participate

    @nhwarmbythefire Those IPO stats are heavily influenced by SPACs though. Yes the IPO market is much weaker now than 3 years ago, but it's not as dried up as the SPAC boom suggests.
  3. T

    My neighbor’s house exploded. How do I proceed from here?

    @kittygamer Adding for OP - keep the receipts for this stuff. You do have an obligation to try to prevent further damage to the property (e.g., boarding up broken windows), and often those costs can be covered by the claim too, within reason.