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  1. J

    In my first year of college, I can finally work, what should I do?

    @clartyclark Why would she suggest going to Turkey for braces? You’d have to fly over for every appointment, and there can be a lot of appointments. And if anything goes wrong you won’t have a dentist here who can see you quickly
  2. J

    Would you invest in a ‘needs repair’ house as first time buyer?

    @karinamarie They did finish and did an amazing job. We chose not to have the upstairs rooms done because there was no need at the min. I’ll get them back when we want them done.
  3. J

    Would you invest in a ‘needs repair’ house as first time buyer?

    @karinamarie Ye we were shocked. Our house is about the same size as yours. It’s 3 floors so didn’t get the rooms at the top done because we don’t use them that much and it’s a new build so they’re grand for now, but still a great price for over 2/3 of the house considering the bottom floor is...
  4. J

    Would you invest in a ‘needs repair’ house as first time buyer?

    @sally1996 It’s costing us about €2,500 to paint our house at the min not including the paint.
  5. J

    Would you invest in a ‘needs repair’ house as first time buyer?

    @sally1996 I wouldn’t really consider carpets and repainting as “in need of repair” because most people would that anyway when they move in, but having rented somewhere with a serious mould issue I would be hesitant to buy somewhere with mould.
  6. J

    mortgage interest rates

    @boagz57 We were on one of those lovely low green rates until this month. Now we’ll be paying an extra €200 a month 🥲 I’d stick with the low rate for another 3 years.
  7. J

    Lower tax rates? what could go wrong...

    @jenniwrenn If you could do that everyone would be doing it!