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  1. D

    Areas for improvement/weaknesses?

    @seabird9 Thanks and it has been tough. The wife and I both used to make the same as well and then she became a SAHM earlier this year with our first. It’s definitely taken a bit of sacrifices to make it happen. I just turned down a job I was over the moon about because we simply couldn’t make...
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    Areas for improvement/weaknesses?

    @resjudicata We have not plans of leaving the home we’re in, at least not until retirement (obviously if I got some insane job offer that could change). As far as the children we’re going to be highly encouraging them to consider college vs trades and if they want to do college we will impress...
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    Areas for improvement/weaknesses?

    @sowhatwithit Thanks for the response! We’re only holding onto the student loans because our cash (mostly t-bills) is paying more than the interest in those loans,m. If/when the Feds decide to drop rates we’ll take the cash and pay them off. It might only be a couple hundred bucks a year, but to...
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    Areas for improvement/weaknesses?

    I thought I’d post our current situation and get some feedback on areas of weakness or places we should improve. Profile: 30M, married. 1 child (9mos) planning 1-2 more within next 5 years. Income: $96k, 100% work from home. Wife stays home with children. Assets: Home: $250k value, $175k...
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    10 Years of Personal Finance Advice in under 10 minutes

    @sgr Oh no I 100% agree. He’s a POS grifter through and through and has ridiculous narratives that do a huge disservice to the average person who listens to him. The original comment was about how the Redditor has more money than Robert, which is what I was pointing out. Absolute POS I agree.
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    10 Years of Personal Finance Advice in under 10 minutes

    @eddih Can you find me a source where he personally has the debt or is it his company which has the debt and is going bankrupt? There’s a reason you start a company, to separate your liabilities from your companies. My understanding is that it’s his companies which are bankrupt but he personally...
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    10 Years of Personal Finance Advice in under 10 minutes

    @fullofspirit I know. can’t stand Robert Kyiosaki, but doesn’t mean he’s broke.
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    10 Years of Personal Finance Advice in under 10 minutes

    @blessedbrian1989 Can you show me where he himself is bankrupt and has $1B of debt and not his company? My understanding is that his personal wealth is still in excess of $100M while his company filed for bankruptcy recently.
  9. D

    10 Years of Personal Finance Advice in under 10 minutes

    @blessedbrian1989 Forbes estimates his net worth at $120M in 2023. You have “way way like way way way way more” than that?
  10. D

    Something you do ‘right’ that’s ’wrong’?

    @angelos17 Oh yeah this right here. 100% “wrong” but right for you.