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  1. M

    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @rev2214 Sometimes I question the need for special allowance for parents, but since we’re Asian and grew up with Asian values, I guess there’s no escaping it. I am already thinking of contributing more, but have not decided on how much yet. Thanks for sharing your opinion.
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @lukemaster130 I have asked my mum to list down before, but apart from the monthly bills, she’s unable/unwilling to list the rest, because “how to track how much I spend when I go buy groceries? A bit here a bit there, how to track?”
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @mereda No, I’m not bumi. Currently working in a bank on the back end.
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @griffithjose Hats off to you for your commitment! It’s definitely not easy to keep going with minimal rest. As much as I want my own life, I also can’t just say bye and leave. Overall, they’re not terrible bad parents and I acknowledge that part of the reason I’ve been able to save up is...
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @jonis That’s one way to look at it and for me to consider. Thanks for your comment.
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @smilingbluebug I see. Thanks for your input and all the best to you and your spouse!
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @smilingbluebug I agree with you. If I don’t manage my finances properly, I won’t be able to help them, and then we’ll all be in trouble. Which broker do you use for ETFs and which ones do you buy?
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @ineedadvice101 I’m currently giving RM700 but thinking to increase it. Not sure how much to increase yet. Anyway, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts, appreciate it.
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @ineedadvice101 Discussions with my parents almost always end in arguments and everyone getting angry with nothing getting resolved, but yes, I know I need to bite the bullet and have that discussion. That’s why I’m now trying to determine how much I can afford to pay without sacrificing my...
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @tkchapin Thanks for your detailed reply, lots for me to consider. I think my best bet now would be to increase income, which I have managed to do every 1-2 years so far. Currently trying to expand my skill set at work by taking on different projects; I hope that goes well. I’ve tried a side...
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @hikairop I know I want to live away from them because I value having my own space, but will still provide for them financially. But that doesn’t mean I want to contribute to them blindly and repeatedly enable bad financial decisions. I never want to end up in their situation and so I need to...
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @fndnstne Yes, I’m definitely feeling the sense of impending doom. I’ve increased my contribution as my salary increased over the years and will continue to do that in the future. Thanks for your comment.
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @rickinpearland My relationship with them isn’t that good, I keep most things to myself. They’re also financially illiterate and as far as I know, have never planned much for the future. They always expect that something will work out, which is what stresses me out. I’m sorry to hear about your...
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @theologybuff This was what I was kind of leaning towards when I wrote this post, but I wanted to hear other opinions. If possible, I would like to live on my own while still supporting them financially but that depends on whether I can afford it with my salary. Thanks for your comment.
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @resjudicata Thanks for sharing your perspective. I’d like to offer a potential explanation for your observation, based on my own experience. In some poorer families, there’s likely to be a lot of stress and conflict because of lack of money, which leads to resentment and general unhappiness for...
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @followingtruth Yes, that’s the same thought process as my parents. They felt that they needed to buy a house even though they couldn’t afford it so that they have something that’s theirs which they can pass down.
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @grampster I have a younger sibling who is currently not working due to health reasons, and is quite frankly very spoilt and still relies heavily on my parents for everything. Maybe at some point in the future he would be able to help, but at this point I have to do this alone. I know I have...
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @7iceman7 That’s great, glad it worked out for you!
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @eng Discussions with my parents almost always end in arguments and everyone getting angry with nothing getting resolved, but yes, I know I need to bite the bullet and have that discussion. I can’t afford to pay the full monthly instalment for the housing loan, but can contribute some amount...
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    Hi all, I’m looking for some outside perspective and advice regarding my current situation. This is going to be a bit long. I’m 28 y/o, current take-home pay is ~RM4.5k. I have a net worth of RM246k (includes EPF, ASNB, StashAway, stocks, PRS, FD & money market funds) and no current loans...