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    How do I stop O.D.P. fees from my TD account?

    @rivermermaid Sometimes when people ask the bank to prove that they ever agreed to these kind of fee they end up getting all those fees refunded. (But, as per your bank agreement, you should check and report errors within X days of receiving your monthly statement.)
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @phroderick Three common ways to rebalance are: 1/ Do it robotically on the same day every year. 2/ When you are adding new money calculate how much of each asset to buy to get every thing back to target. (Or just the buy the asset that is most below the target.) 3/ Only rebalance when...
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @phroderick When you enter the rate of return for the fee difference calculator you want to enter the rate of return of the assets in the portfolio before the management fees are subtracted. The rates near the end of the CPM article are after the management fees have been subtracted so I add...
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @phroderick For the Lower Fee and Higher Fee you could use the MERs from the reddit comment. For the rate of return you could use the this CPM video but add back the .24%management fee. For example the rate for VGRO (or XGRO) would be about 4.5% + .24% = 4.74%.
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @phroderick You could use this fee difference calculator to double check your math. When people do these comparison I urge them to also think about how the extra will affect their retirement lifestyle. For example, if someone ends up with an extra $100k and they use a withdrawal rate of 3.5%...
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @phroderick Sure. For example as explained on this CPM page once you have substantial assets in an RRSP it can be worthwhile using individual ETFs to customize "asset location". But I've read enough about behavioural finance to be a big fan of reducing the opportunities to screw up a good...
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    I haven’t filed my taxes in 5 years. What are my next steps

    @sparklepaws23 It is possible that you weren't required to file a return, but you should file anyway because it is how you accumulate RRSP contribution room. If you need tax slips from previous years that info is available via your CRA account. If you don't have access to it, see if you can...
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    PSA: pay off the Ontario portion of your OSAP (currently at 7.45% interest)!!!

    @ninasreborn1 Credit also to /@glencoco who posted their live chat with NSLSC about this 6 months ago.
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @phroderick There is no PACC plan for Vanguard ETFs and the only asset allocation ETFs on Blackrock's list are XBAL and XGRO.
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @phroderick I suggest that you read the following pages, pay extra attention to the "your investment experience" section of the second one and then do a risk assessment questionnaire.
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    PSA: pay off the Ontario portion of your OSAP (currently at 7.45% interest)!!!

    @victoryj If 80% of your outstanding loan is federal and 20% is Ontario then yes, that is how they will apply your monthly payments and also (if you don't tell them otherwise) how they would apply lump sum payments.
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    How much granularity does tax software actually s e n d ?

    @larry12009 Yes. The CRA computers will just see the amounts entered on lines 33099 and 33199. If you want to know what will be sent I suggest that you use the software to create a pdf of the condensed "for the government" version of the return. (The version you would use if you had to...
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    PSA: pay off the Ontario portion of your OSAP (currently at 7.45% interest)!!!

    @victoryj I'm pretty sure that this depends on the proportion of your loan that is federal and Ontario. I can't find an Ontario specific reference but BC student loans are also integrated with federal loans and their website says,
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    I haven’t filed my taxes in 5 years. What are my next steps

    @dmm I'll just mention that if they are AB or BC residents they will be able to access their CRA account. If not the best course of action may be to file their 2022 or 2023 return asap and when they get the Notice of Assessment they can apply for the access code. (If they phone they may be on...
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    Deferring High School - A Strategy to Build Wealth

    @quietmorning Currently 3pm here, and the OP was posted about an hour ago.
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    Deferring High School - A Strategy to Build Wealth

    @quietmorning In my time zone April Fools ended about 2 hours before the OP hit submit.
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    G&M: RRSPs are getting a bum rap as a tax trap

    @resjudicata Thanks for the information. I remember that my brother didn't want to close his account so I thought he might know. He didn't but he found a reference that had the same information.
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    G&M: RRSPs are getting a bum rap as a tax trap

    @resjudicata I knew that our RRSP contributions had always been reduced by our pension contributions but we only started contributing to one in 1990. So I did some "binging". According to page 9 of this StatsCan report from 1957 forward RRSP contribution limits have always been reduced by the...
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    G&M: RRSPs are getting a bum rap as a tax trap

    @mtainmn43 It is likely that most of the people complaining to the author about the tax they are paying on their RRIF withdrawals are people who didn't have the TFSA option for most of their accumulation period. (Assuming that they RRIFed in 2016 at age 71 then they would have been 64 when TFSA...
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    TFSA Dollar Limit - Calculation

    @raffadalbo Thanks for the explanation. A couple of weeks I used an inflation calculator to take a stab at this. I think I used Jan 2009 to Sept 2021 and since the results were a touch over $6250 I predicted that it would go up for 2021. Good thing I didn't bet on it.