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    Minimum to bring when buying a house - your honest opinion based on experience

    @patriciaj It can be more difficult to get full financing for a used place, especially if the bank does not deem the land and building to be reasonably worth the amount being paid. I.e. a run-down place in the inaka with little chance of reselling is unlikely to be approved for a high-priced...
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    Minimum to bring when buying a house - your honest opinion based on experience

    @seedofessence At your income level? You don't need to put down anything and can finance it all. Or you can put down some to lower your immediate payments / the term of the loan. I was in a similarish position. Bought a used place fully financed and used what would have been a down payment to...
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    @hemsley You submit your own tax return and opt out of special collection. No guarantee this will 100 percent work, but generally does. You will need your 源泉徴収票 from company A as well.
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    Need help about unique tax situation

    @harvimaxic Yes. If you submit yourself, you also need to provide all the insurance amounts (for supplementary insurance), etc., ... if you aren't buying life / health insurance then you don't need to worry about this.
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    Need help about unique tax situation

    @harvimaxic If you do not provide the forms to your company, you need to fill out kakutei-shinkoku. Your submission will be the one that matters.
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    Mortgage declined, can’t get reasoning from bank

    @faithfound Yeah that is also definitely true
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    Mortgage declined, can’t get reasoning from bank

    @faithfound Yes I'm aware. But still 15 years is quite new and is unlikely to be the reason (and were it the banks are likely to provide some guidance) Of course it's possible, but the mention of insurance suggests a medical issue perhaps.
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    Mortgage declined, can’t get reasoning from bank

    @skupi Was the insurance denial for the mortgage health insurance? You may want to look at flat 35 then, as it can be had without insurance. Though of course that creates risk should you pass away...
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    Mortgage declined, can’t get reasoning from bank

    @faithfound 15 years old is by no means old enough to raise flags.... Unless something else is quite wrong.
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    Buying & refurbishing an apartment (e.g. Muji Renovation)

    @mariejustice54 This will depend on the bank, but many banks offer packages with include renovations. However, I think a lot of realtors dislike dealing with these options as they generally require an estimate for the renovations. This takes time and creates the possibility that someone...
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    Converting to a non-fixed term contract

    @primarymay There is some debate as to whether instructors qualify under the 5 or 10 year rule. Many universities settled on 5, some choose 10. I don't think there has been any major precedent but a lot of the opinions I have read lean towards the 5 year i interpretation being correct.
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    2022 Annual Report

    @kristhuy On behalf of all the users here (not that anyone elected me), may I sincerely thank you, @kristhuy and all the members of the mod team (hi @dee436 and @phillev ) for your amazing work maintaining this place as such a great, wonderful, and positive place for discussions on finance (and...
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    Monthly Moderation Report – June/July 2021

    @tricky Do you mean that you actively use this ( @tricky ) account as a throwaway to promote your blog while being quite active using another? Or do you mean when you are active you do so via a throw away? (Sorry, just curious as to why, given as you are basically identifying yourself to all...
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    Diversifying to protect myself beyond the 10mJPY limit of deposit insurance

    @halleluyah Investment insurance vehicles are rarely a great investment. Health insurance (particularly for cancer) can bring peace of mind, though most hospital stays are unlikely to cost significant sums, especially considering the monthly limit for health care
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    Can I have a side business online while living in Japan on a work visa?

    @jandolphrohnson Sorry... I don't think I follow. Given that the OP would be performing the work... how would he be able to avoid taxes on it? Or were you thinking of some sort of passive investment kind of set-up?
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    Best place to open an iDeCo?

    @angroth33 They have incredibly low fees for a good index fund. (Rakuten, etc. have similar funds that are priced ever so slightly higher.)