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    Don't Compare to the S&P

    @evanburnside12 Then kindly shut the fuck up
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    Don't Compare to the S&P

    @resjudicata I didn't say he needed a securities license to sell IULs. I'm saying he's talking out his ass to people who are licensed and actually work with securities.
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    IUL Surrender?

    @ativyl This. At the very least, let the cash run out and lapse naturally.
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    Don't Compare to the S&P

    @caitlynlovesjesus Thanks!
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    Don't Compare to the S&P

    @caitlynlovesjesus I was asking OP. Life/health, 6, 63, CLTC, and working on 65.
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    Borrowing from whole life policy and taxes 1099-R

    @kimhealth No. MEC is always about premiums paid vs. death benefit. Dividends cannot MEC a policy.
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    Borrowing from whole life policy and taxes 1099-R

    @kimhealth Don't overfund it. The company can tell you what the annual limits are. And keep your address current. If you do remit too much and it becomes a MEC, they will notify you. You do have a short time frame to reverse the overpayment and the MEC status.
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    Don't Compare to the S&P

    @evanburnside12 May I ask which securities licenses you hold?
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    @tv0689 The fact that this thread has the most solicitation I’ve ever seen here tells you everything you need to know. Sold by everyone and their brother, though understood by few.
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    Borrowing from whole life policy and taxes 1099-R

    @dinkold That's... not what single premium is.
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    Need advice on moving forward or not with this offered IUL

    @tabinek Agreed that both need to be looked at and we can’t see MEC levels here. In my experience, best course of action to maximize cash growth, is increasing DBO in the funding years then switch to level DBO in the withdrawing years.
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    Can some explain like I’m 5?

    @tannerking1 The right death benefit is the most important number. I doubt she can afford $500-1m in whole life. TERM, you buffoon. Upgrade later.
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    Need advice on moving forward or not with this offered IUL

    @tabinek Honest question: why level death benefit? Increasing benefit allows for OP to purchase a smaller death benefit with the same budget which should lower the overall internal fees.
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    I just can’t catch a break y’all

    @markster7 Build just needs an explanation. You could also submit measurements and a statement from your doctor about body composition. MJ makes you a smoker with some companies, most are still non smoker especially since you're eating it. Some companies don't test for it, some do. Some will...
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    Can some explain like I’m 5?

    @tannerking1 She didn't state her income, but most people need somewhere around 10x that. You think a $500k-$1m IUL is appropriate? This is clearly term insurance situation unless the missing details are that she's a very high earner.
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    Can some explain like I’m 5?

    @tannerking1 Seriously, dude. You are dangerous and exactly the guy that gives the rest of a bad name. I hope you get your head out of your wallet and start genuinely going what's right for the client. That or go sell used cars.
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    Variable Adjustable Life Policy

    @ativyl Fantastic response 10/10
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    I’m clueless

    @lyfia I'm sorry but if you've seen a medical professional about this, it's already too late. You'll need to get the all-clear before you can honestly answer the medical questions in an acceptable manner. Look into whatever coverage you can get through your/your spouse's workplace without...
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    Can some explain like I’m 5?

    @tannerking1 And if she doesn't? Are you going to show up at her funeral and tell her family whoopsie? Jesus.