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    Best ETF broker?

    @ddgator I love it. Some people might point out they had some issues with the regulator a couple of years ago, but that doesn't deter me. In fact it makes me think they are probably now being very careful
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    Bonds or saving account (1.9% p.a.)?

    @joannsmith I'm in CZ! Moneta do 2.5% on a savings account by the way CZK is a very strong currency to be in at the moment thanks to the central bank. Not only do you get the interest, but there is an excellent chance of appreciation vs the EUR and USD. I'd say keep your Koruna and get a...
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    Bonds or saving account (1.9% p.a.)?

    @resjudicata It may not be, depending on the currency. 1.9% on EUR would be an amazing deal, but on a much smaller currency it might not be
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    How do I calculate how much money I need for a certain amount

    @deepblackblue amount to invest now = target amount / (expected annual return ^ years) Where expected annual return is expressed as e.g. 1.07, meaning 7% return. And to adjust for inflation, you can just reduce the expected return by the amount of inflation, e.g. 1.05 for 7% return with 2%...
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    Time in the market beats timing the market

    @birdyof14 The bonds have a yield of around 3.5-4% now, i.e. if rates (not only base rates but long term rates) froze, and stayed exactly where they are now, then you could expect a return of around 3.5-4% for a period of something like 8 years. If rates were to come down (again not only base...
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    Time in the market beats timing the market

    @birdyof14 Yes Well it would go up. However, it isn't only interest rate changes that would make it go up. Now the bonds have some yield again, they will have a natural upward pressure of about 3.5-4% per year The returns of bonds are uncorrelated with stocks in the long run. This means...
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    What is the order in which ETFs/Shares are sold?

    @ineedyougod Purely out of interest, do you know any of the countries which allow LIFO? It's generally frowned up in accounting, if not outright disallowed. Not disputing your answer just genuinely curious. It's quite advantageous for the investor.
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    I am at the verge of ignoring all my financial wisdom and invest in riskier investments

    @bettyraene FOMO If you can't handle this you can't invest
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    Invesco new”VWCE” at 0.15% TER

    @resjudicata This increases tracking error though, right? Which could be good or bad...
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    Anyone else seeing 4.2% interest on EUR? Is this a mistake?

    @wrennelson143 Why use T212 as an intermediary when you could just buy a MMF fund yourself? Doing it this way seems to add an extra middleman, and probably extra risk, and I can't see the benefit of it
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    Time in the market beats timing the market

    @gift2424 He's so on point
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    ETF vs BKR.B?

    @johanmichel I think it's a good idea, but your tax laws are cruel. Do people not get enraged by having their retirement savings pillaged like this while corporations get some of the best treatment in the world? On the point - I do believe BRKB is a decent proxy for SP500, and if anything, I...
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    Degiro: Trying to understand how realized P/L is estimated

    @kaytiedid Those numbers give -41.64. Where did you get 41.72 from?
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    Trading 212 raises € interest to 4% paid daily

    @wrennelson143 Merry Christmas to you too! And may next year be prosperous for you!
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    Trading 212 raises € interest to 4% paid daily

    @wrennelson143 I don't normally dissect comments like this, but if you don't mind I'd like to reply to the points individually: It normally is. If you want to get out of the market when it hits ATH, you will never participate in a bullrun and make big returns. Many people have fallen victim to...
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    Trading 212 raises € interest to 4% paid daily

    @wrennelson143 An argument could be made that it's better to invest during periods of higher rates, because if you wait for rates to come down, prices may already be up. It's risky to be on the sidelines because you could easily miss a quick 20-30% from the market, in which case you'd be much...
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    [BG] Buying apartment with a forever loan

    @east81 Out of interest, are they asking for any downpayment?