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  1. F

    18y/o, £35k salary, living with parents - savings advice

    @gacu Oh my dad is loving it for sure.
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    18y/o, £35k salary, living with parents - savings advice

    @laestadian05 Thank you for the help!
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    18y/o, £35k salary, living with parents - savings advice

    @laestadian05 I've set it at 5% for now, with my employer contributing 6% but this is the highest they go.
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    18y/o, £35k salary, living with parents - savings advice

    @laestadian05 Yes, I reckon so. Most likely won't be over £450k, so in the meantime, max out LISA and put the rest in a S&S ISA? Should I also have a smaller amount in an instant access savings account?
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    18y/o, £35k salary, living with parents - savings advice

    @silvereyes I think it's more likely to be 3-4 years - is the advice >5 years go for S&S LISA?
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    18y/o, £35k salary, living with parents - savings advice

    Hi all, I'm about to start my first job post A Levels with a salary of 35k/year. The job is hybrid so I'll be living at home with my parents. They will be charging me about £300-500 per month rent, everything included. I am contributing 5% of my salary to my pension and my employer is...