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    OK boomer - House prices have doubled as a proportion of salary since 1970

    @saranoor You say "could" get a 100% mortgage on a £375,000 house but one can't get that because affordability rules mean the banks will not lend such high multiples of income.
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    Concept of valuing your time and nuances

    @angie826 Not only that, but it requires effort to shop around and find a reliable service provider that is going to do what you need. Just throwing money at a problem or inconvenience can sometimes leave you with a lot less money but only slightly less inconvenience.
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    OK boomer - House prices have doubled as a proportion of salary since 1970

    @kimerella2 Thanks for sharing your experience. This is consistent with "around 5x".
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    OK boomer - House prices have doubled as a proportion of salary since 1970

    @raylighti It's still possible to get a 95% LTV loan (so, 5% deposit) so it's not so much that one "needs a bigger deposit". Rules rightly put in place since 2009 require banks to limit total loan amounts to around 5x household income to ensure that people would not default on their mortgage...
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    Low energy dehumidifiers worth the investment?

    @heartnsoul19 Dry air using less energy to heat is a red herring, the difference is about 3% more energy per degree Celsius. This is because the difference between wet and dry air is a water content of about 2% of the mass.
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    Low energy dehumidifiers worth the investment?

    @bowwoooxd Though, keep in mind that resistive electrical heat sources cost 3x as much as electrical heat pumps or gas.
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    Low energy dehumidifiers worth the investment?

    @mechie I do agree that the dessicant operation is silent and the compressor makes some sound, but the fan is the loudest part in all three of mine.
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    Low energy dehumidifiers worth the investment?

    @graybuffalo Compressor dehumidifiers are very inexpensive to run. They are cheaper to run than a tumble dryer, put less stress on clothes and can also be used to defend against damp. The waste heat they generate also heats the room. However, they are also expensive up front, around £100...