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  1. K

    Looking for advice

    @jjp297 I have a weird setup, wealthsimple tfsa 29k, WS RRSP 8.5k Questreade FHSA 8k Wealthsimple doesn’t have HISA so I’d have to move it to a bank ?
  2. K

    Looking for advice

    @jjp297 Or should I just do a HISA? I thought so read somewhere CASH.TO is fairly liquid and safe dividend of 5%
  3. K

    Looking for advice

    @jjp297 HBP is literally the RRSP 40k right? Can this be combined with my fiances extra 40k ?
  4. K

    Looking for advice

    I have 8500$ in rrsp (not invested) 8000$ FHSA (not invested) planning to add another 8k in the next 4-6 months 28.5k invested in TFSA(32.5 deposited but took loses in some bad stocks) - with this one I’m holding onto some loses being stubborn. After adding the 8k to FHSA , i figured i would...