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  1. N

    Employer private health insurance … is there a point?

    @bondzy The amount you'll pay in premiums is absolutely nothing in comparison to the cost of needing it once. I know somebody that was being treated for an illness and had about 40k worth of drugs sitting in the fridge at any one time. Just small little bottles of medicine. All free covered by...
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    31K in Debt - How can I climb out of this debt hole?

    @buzzard The best advice I have for you, speak with MABS. Its a free advice service. They will have the knowledge and know-how to help your situation significantly better than Internet strangers on reddit. Call them today. Start the journey out of debt, today.
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    Loan repayment bounced, seeking recourse

    @yuliette I don't think it's even the first time I've commented it on here. It's a very common misconception.
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    Loan repayment bounced, seeking recourse

    @analogica In Ireland, there is no such thing as building a credit rating. Its not like America where you build your rating by having a credit card or loan and paying it off on time.
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    Whats a good ball park figure to be at for going for a mortgage , how far off am I at the moment

    @gonick Generally it only lasts six months (may vary by bank). No point if you aren't going to apply soon - who knows what salaries you and your partner will be making in a year or two.
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    Whats a good ball park figure to be at for going for a mortgage , how far off am I at the moment

    @gonick AIP = approval in principle. Effectively a letter from bank saying based on your current situation we will lend you X amount of money, subject to passing their future criteria and underwriters.