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    Should I manage my own 401(k)?

    @neari Be aware that that puts you at odds with several (if not all) big names in the industry. While they can be wrong, or may be worth asking if they're taking into account the same stuff you are but also even more. Ex-US outperformance predicted over the next decade or so...
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    Should I manage my own 401(k)?

    @neari Why only in the future? What would make you start to do so?
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    Should I manage my own 401(k)?

    @neari Ex-US is just as, if not more aggressive than the US (assume does not just mean whatever has done the best in recent years). Only the bonds are conservative, and you can adjust how many of those you hold based on the year you pick.
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    10 Years of Personal Finance Advice in under 10 minutes

    @wordjockey I'd ignore the part about ex-US from Collins though. It seems poorly supported. And it's ignore the "only Vanguard" view. From memory, the rest was between decent and great though.
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    10 Years of Personal Finance Advice in under 10 minutes

    @lommakiter A good amount of it, or better, can be found in the /r/personalfinance Prime Directive: and other wiki pages of that subreddit.
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    Why get an IRA if you have a (401)k?

    @bubble5 Selling the Zero funds to get anything else instead should only add one more market day to any brokerage move. Edit: Typo
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    10 Years of Personal Finance Advice in under 10 minutes

    @seekeroftruth343 There's benefits of going broader both in the ability to increase returns and reduce volatility. Doing so can eliminate an uncompensated risk factor (single country).
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    10 Years of Personal Finance Advice in under 10 minutes

    @bigpearlyjane Going broader than the S&P 500 can both help increase returns and reduce volatility. There's been plenty of times where it was the US falling behind. Don't let outcome bias influence your decisions about the future, the US just happened to have had an usually good run that...
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    10 Years of Personal Finance Advice in under 10 minutes

    @princessval And the advice they give isn't even necessarily how they made their money. Buffet made his from being hands on value investing, not an indexer. He's now so rich that the bonds in that 90% S&P 500/10% bonds portfolio could be enough to distribute over a billion each year. Him and his...
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    High yield savings accounts with pots?

    @morgan11 There's also Alliant credit union, which supports up to 20 or so accounts under a single login. Your choice on if they're checking or savings, transfers between them are usually instant. Edit: Typo
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    Should I manage my own 401(k)?

    @neari As /@jhutch77 mentioned, skipping ex-Us based on past results probably isn't a good idea. The below should help explain why a global portfolio can be better than betting it all on one country. and expanding on part of that: by...
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    How to pick which 401k investment choices when available ones are not named like the ones in the wiki?

    @gryphonking No. ER and coverage provided matters. ROI looks at the past, not the future. Tomorrow often doesn't look like yesterday. Take 2010 for example. You'd see that US large cap (VOO) have some of the worst returns, even worse than bonds over the previous 10 years. Emerging would likely...