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  1. 1

    Is it really so bad to get a condo instead of a townhouse if you have a set budget?

    @romanticcode If you buy a condo the mortgage interest, condo fees, and property tax will also disappear into a hole.
  2. 1

    Dividends Are Irrelevant (Sort Of...)

    @hundreddays TSX is pretty concentrated. You could buy six dividend stocks in different sectors and be almost as diversified: a bank, railroad, REIT, telco, pipeline, and utility would suffice. I actually hold a similar basket of stocks in my taxable (with Brookfield Corp. in place of the REIT)...
  3. 1

    Am I wrong to believe that my partner buying a house with his mom, plus getting a van to live in, is a terrible idea?

    @alien444 I wish more people actually grasped that fact. All they see is the final price of the property after it has gone up in value, but totally ignore all the non-recoverable costs they would have had to pay over the years. I remember when I was paying $800+ in rent (20+ years ago) and a...
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    Dividends Are Irrelevant (Sort Of...)

    @rickram Yep. Once upon a time I owned shares in a company called CML Healthcare. They did medical lab testing, and paid a nice dividend. Then, management got the bright idea to try and expand into the US, which turned out to be disastrous. They ran the company into the ground, even though it...
  5. 1

    Canadians might not be getting enough fruits and vegetables / Les Canadiens et Canadiennes ne consomment peut-être pas assez de fruits et de légumes.

    @braesha I have a smoothie for breakfast every other day: blueberries, 1/2 banana, frozen spinach (thawed overnight in the fridge) carrots, protein powder, peanut butter, chia seeds. I alternate between it and my oatmeal bowl (which includes just as much blueberry and and banana as the smoothie...