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    Is 30% of savings worth it if I’m stressing out too much?

    @jfarmer Yeah I’m planning to save for my next car and I’m an amateur in investing so I just keep them in MMFs which gives a decent return of 4.5%
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    Is 30% of savings worth it if I’m stressing out too much?

    @kbstyles Hello, it’s a copywriting gig through my brother’s friend!
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    Is 30% of savings worth it if I’m stressing out too much?

    @thehoodlovezmethough I’m in Marketing and no I don’t spend more than what I earn I just said I’m spending more than usual when I was single ;) Appreciate the advice though!
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    Is 30% of savings worth it if I’m stressing out too much?

    @ineedadvice101 Yup it’s my own goal but I tend to stress out when I don’t or feel like I can’t reach it :)
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    Is 30% of savings worth it if I’m stressing out too much?

    @carla Agreed! Thanks for the two cents! Looking for some cheap but memorable dates or things to do, any ideas?
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    Is 30% of savings worth it if I’m stressing out too much?

    I’m 25M earning about 5k with a main job (2.9k) and side hustle (2k on monthly contract) . The thing is my side hustle isn’t stable so I’m constantly worried if I need to put more in my emergency funds for times when there’s not many jobs from it. I usually make it a point to save 1k a month...