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  1. S

    Need clarification about the limitation of buying a home with second pillar

    @veritas2016 So if that happens, you just quit your job, take all the money out of their pension fund, put it in a compte libre passage, and tell them to f**k off. So again, I don't see the exact case where this scenario actually happens, except if you clearly lie the first time when you take...
  2. S

    Need clarification about the limitation of buying a home with second pillar

    @mndad2 Ok, so my limited understanding of German (BGE 9C_293/2020) makes me understand that it's the pension fund which took the person to court, which makes me wonder: if you change employer, you change pension fund. If you want to rent your house out, surely it's because you are moving to get...
  3. S

    Need clarification about the limitation of buying a home with second pillar

    @drdux Very good question! My understanding is that this rule was put in place because too many people emptied their retirement funds in order to speculate on the housing market by buying secondary residences up the mountains, or buy to rent and such, which caused the housing bubble to continue...