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  1. L

    Expected Return ETF VT, VWRL, ACWI, etc

    @primitivebaptist Yes, I agree. But my horizon is about 40 years so it should be enough to take the risk and volatility not to matter too much.
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    Expected Return ETF VT, VWRL, ACWI, etc

    @primitivebaptist Thanks! 7-8% before inflation doesn't sound too bad in contrast to 5-6% before inflation (still better than CH bonds or saving accounts).
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    Expected Return ETF VT, VWRL, ACWI, etc

    @ariel04 Yes it does. You are correct. Thanks! :)
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    Expected Return ETF VT, VWRL, ACWI, etc

    @ariel04 Thanks for the links! I have also seen this, but I am not sure if the 7.48% per year is with or without dividends? So is it more lik 9.5% or 7.48% since inception? Probably tax is quite differennt for every country i.e. CH not having capital gain taxes.
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    Expected Return ETF VT, VWRL, ACWI, etc

    @tobiahjude99 Thanks for the good and detailed answer! Yes I know about havin to pay income taxes on dividends but this is very individual depending on the salary of each person, so I wanted to neglect it for this discussion. Personally I count like 20% from the dividends for the income tax...
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    Expected Return ETF VT, VWRL, ACWI, etc

    @tobiahjude99 Thanks! So do you also consider inflation to be about 2% on average so it would be about 7% return before inflation? Sorry for the currency I assume CHF. I agree that we are a bit unlucky on this :). I don't count income taxes for the dividend (so for SPI where everything is...
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    Expected Return ETF VT, VWRL, ACWI, etc

    I know past performance is no indicator for future performance. Everything is assumed in CHF. Is it more for synthetic funds like ACWIA from UBS since there are no withholding taxes at all? Despite this, what is a reasonable return to expect for ETFs like VT, VWRL, ACWI tracking ones or even...
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    Lump Sum Investment Swiss Broker - VT vs VWRL vs VEVE & VFEM vs SSAC (ACWI)

    @nicholeuhas I did'nt know FWRA. Do you think there is a difference regarding safety between Invesco and Vanguard?
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    Lump Sum Investment Swiss Broker - VT vs VWRL vs VEVE & VFEM vs SSAC (ACWI)

    @cathya Thanks! The idea with the position transfer is quite good! You are right, one point why I want a swiss broker is due to the fact of Swiss jurisdiction. You are right! Since th US are only 60% of VT it would come back to 60%*15%*2%=0.18% and I would have to pay income tax on these...
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    Lump Sum Investment Swiss Broker - VT vs VWRL vs VEVE & VFEM vs SSAC (ACWI)

    @virtualhope Thanks for the reply. So it seems quite simple to invest in VT!
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    Lump Sum Investment Swiss Broker - VT vs VWRL vs VEVE & VFEM vs SSAC (ACWI)

    @virtualhope Thanks! Yes I've meant that with the US inheritance laws. I am just very careful with US laws and especially regarding IRS. But 7 million is more than enough. Is it a lot of paper work to fill in or is this just in case of death? So you would recommend me to invest in VT as well...
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    Lump Sum Investment Swiss Broker - VT vs VWRL vs VEVE & VFEM vs SSAC (ACWI)

    @tobiahjude99 Thanks! Makes sense. Yes, I agree that the effects are small, but calculating the exponential behaviour the effects of 0.1-0.2% makes an impact. But of course also VWRL could develop better than VT due to less positions, nobody nows the future! Do you know, where I can find the...
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    Lump Sum Investment Swiss Broker - VT vs VWRL vs VEVE & VFEM vs SSAC (ACWI)

    @tobiahjude99 Thanks for the helpful reply! Maybe you know also the answer to this: Regarding rebalancing. Is it true, when I buy a combination of VEVE + VFEM I would not have to rebalance, as it always represents the current market distribution (e.g. when EM rises in comparison to VEVE)?
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    Lump Sum Investment Swiss Broker - VT vs VWRL vs VEVE & VFEM vs SSAC (ACWI)

    @tobiahjude99 Thanks! I also have the impression that the VT is the superior product. I am just careful, since IRS has a pretty scary name in the world of finance. Yes, I know that the currency traded is not important for the underlying value (except conversion fee). I am just unsure due to...
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    Lump Sum Investment Swiss Broker - VT vs VWRL vs VEVE & VFEM vs SSAC (ACWI)

    Hello SwissPersonalFinance community First of all I want to thank you all, as I've learned a lot through this subreddit. I have an amount that I want to invest in the next couple of months/years. My time horizon is about 30-40 years. Since it is a lump sum investment and I will hold it for...