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  1. 8

    L&G PMC Multi-Asset fund 3 suddenly ballooned

    @shadow2 Ah, OK, !thanks - didn't think of it that way.
  2. 8

    L&G PMC Multi-Asset fund 3 suddenly ballooned

    @ojusvee06 Think 2008 was 4 - 5 years? So yes, hardly quick if you were retiring, but within that 2 - 5 year timescale is what I was thinking
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    L&G PMC Multi-Asset fund 3 suddenly ballooned

    @niamh55 ! thanks - that comment on the other L&G fund is useful, as I've been trying to work out the bewildering array of L&G funds. From a quick look historical recoveries have varied; Black Monday, Covid, 2008 all fairly quick, Wall St crash and Dot Com collapse much less so, I think?
  4. 8

    L&G PMC Multi-Asset fund 3 suddenly ballooned

    @illumined1995 !thanks
  5. 8

    L&G PMC Multi-Asset fund 3 suddenly ballooned

    @mark19801 !thanks - point well made
  6. 8

    L&G PMC Multi-Asset fund 3 suddenly ballooned

    @ojusvee06 Yes, of course, hadn't thought of that. 61, but response to your other comment below.
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    L&G PMC Multi-Asset fund 3 suddenly ballooned

    @ojusvee06 I was wondering about this. You tend to think of retirement and pension as a hard cut-off (the old pension until you retire then annuity) and of course it isn't that. Laddering might be relevant to me for a number of reasons - I'll have a look. !thanks again
  8. 8

    L&G PMC Multi-Asset fund 3 suddenly ballooned

    @ojusvee06 !thanks Oddly the pension performance shown in my account doesn't reflect that HL link, or the L&G link I put in the OP - it's much more bumping along / up and down for a few years then a suddent rise from November. I can't get at it again for a few days to make sure I'm comparing...
  9. 8

    L&G PMC Multi-Asset fund 3 suddenly ballooned

    @shadow2 !thanks. I wasn't sure about stocks as it didn't seem to see a similar rise after 2020 / Covid - though I guess that could have been disguised by the preceding fall ...
  10. 8

    L&G PMC Multi-Asset fund 3 suddenly ballooned

    @annemoon !thanks - I'm in two minds about this. Probably going to make a longer post as I'm trying to sort my ideas out generally. I'm older but not necessarily committed to a fixed retirement date so might be able to ride out a crash, though 60 / 40 perhaps better.
  11. 8

    L&G PMC Multi-Asset fund 3 suddenly ballooned

    I have a company pension which is currently in the L&G PMC Multi-Asset fund 3 L&G say this is for long term growth through exposure to a diverse range of asset classes. I've...