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    Should I buy U.S. Dividend stocks when I’m a Canadian?

    @turmoil77 Good points, all. Thanks for following up with me. For your situation, did you consider the swap ETFs? Good point for the OP: Don't chase dividends if you don't want income. I'd assumed he had a good reason to want dividends, but had no real basis for that.
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    Should I buy U.S. Dividend stocks when I’m a Canadian?

    @turmoil77 Got you. Surely there are cases where you can produce similar cashflows, but personally I wouldn't consider the two outcomes the same. In the dividend example, you still retain the same amount of ownership of the company on a percentage basis, and you have the cash in hand meaning...
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    Should I buy U.S. Dividend stocks when I’m a Canadian?

    @aydoubleugee Right, but that assumes VGRO is appreciating faster than whatever divided stocks you buy plus the divided. I'm assuming the poster has some argument why they see valuations accelerating, or dividends declining, or both....and then, why does that correlate to low borrowing costs?
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    Should I buy U.S. Dividend stocks when I’m a Canadian?

    @ukbeliever220485 I get that, and agree. The comment I replied to said: And I thought they were making some argument about the effect of abundant capital on dividends. Instead he was saying that the cost of selling a stock (to synthesize a dividend) isn't a factor like it once once since...
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    Should I buy U.S. Dividend stocks when I’m a Canadian?

    @turmoil77 Can you explain your reasoning a bit further?
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    Shopping for mortgage? Here are some general concepts you might be interested knowing

    @protorayish Great post. Thanks! Can you explain how one can:
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    Shopping for mortgage? Here are some general concepts you might be interested knowing

    @protorayish Oh, so most of the incentive difference is who pays the costs associated with unwinding, and I guess, the Islamic lender is more screwed if the property is underwater?
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    Shopping for mortgage? Here are some general concepts you might be interested knowing

    @protorayish ...But isn’t that effectively the same recourse as a regular lender? The regular lender will foreclose or power of sale the home, and they are stuck dealing with the property until they can sell to recover...? If the Islamic lender owns the property, do they get to keep any...