Search results

  1. N

    Can I afford a house?

    @jaycob Yup, agreed. And hopefully OP will explore the math and come up with that on their own.
  2. N

    Received small lump sum of money

    @lili487 "Treasury maxes out at 10k" -- That's specifically for Series I Savings Bonds, a.k.a. I-bonds. There is no limit to Treasury Bills or various other T products. Pay all of your credit card debt and resolve not to enter that status again. It will crush your financial goals if it's a...
  3. N

    Can I afford a house?

    @aprilranta 30% of gross income for housing costs is the usual guideline. This includes mortgage principal and interest, property tax, home insurance, and utilities (heat, electric, water, etc.). $130k x 0.3 = $39k or $3250 per month total for all of those things above. Go find a mortgage...
  4. N

    Received DSP invitation today. Why I've decided not to participate

    @corbco This is shaping up to be a greedy when others are fearful scenario. But I dunno.
  5. N

    When people say ‘I’m saving X amount per month…’ what should this include?

    @pleasegodprotectme Saving is any financial activity that moves your money out of operating cash into a longer term holding area. Thus any movement of money to a savings account, CD, U.S. Treasury products, money market fund, stocks, or bonds - in any type of account (bank, brokerage, IRA...
  6. N

    S&P500 client ISO financial planner

    @innova2019 Man, if there is an actual market comprised of people like you, I might have found my new part-time gig in early retirement.