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  1. E

    Riba and Interest - Same thing or Not?

    @elizarn Interest is riba and riba is interest. If you’re asking for more money back to protect yourself from inflation, then you are only perpetrating the system. Inflation is due to increase in money supply and money supply is increased by credit creation. So riba actually leads to inflation...
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    US Debt Ceiling - The Debt Ponzi Lives On

    One thing I didn’t mention is that this will most likely lead to lower govt spending as a result of increasing the debt ceiling but that’s another discussion which I agree will affect many people.
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    US Debt Ceiling - The Debt Ponzi Lives On

    @princesst1 Thank your for the kind words brother. Always great to have a proper discourse focused on dissecting ideas and not ridiculing the person behind such ideas.
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    US Debt Ceiling - The Debt Ponzi Lives On

    @princesst1 Well if you really believe that then that’s you. My whole point is that people shouldn’t worry about this fear mongering. It’s not the first time this happens. Im just stating what is a practical worst case. I’ve been in the markets long enough to know this and if you look at how...
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    US Debt Ceiling - The Debt Ponzi Lives On

    @balhu Good question. One important constraint we have to take into account is time horizon (I.e. how long do you want to be invested for?). Let’s assume that this is for someone who’s 35. I would do the following: Keep 25% in cash in USD (because a lot of investments are overvalued and I...
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    US Debt Ceiling - The Debt Ponzi Lives On

    Salam Alaikum, Some of you may have seen talks in the news about the debt ceiling so I thought it would be interesting to explain what's going on and to help you understand how the system is a joke. What's this debt ceiling everyone is worried about? Let me explain why it's nonsense and how...