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    Full-Time RV Living: Worth it? (xpost from r/navy & r/military

    @pesachpup This was actually a close-ish Plan B but never got farther than looking into some premade tiny homes. I’m gonna revisit the idea more closely now, thanks!
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    Full-Time RV Living: Worth it? (xpost from r/navy & r/military

    @pgtips2 Thanks! Do you have any specific ones in mind to recommend?
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    Full-Time RV Living: Worth it? (xpost from r/navy & r/military

    @yuki213 STA-21 alum here too! Definitely looking at the used marketplace because it’s a nightmare right now waiting for orders to get fulfilled for new airstreams and I’m a big fan of saving money anyway. If you don’t mind me asking: did you already have a family when you began full time RV...
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    Full-Time RV Living: Worth it? (xpost from r/navy & r/military

    @meganisgrowing Thank you for the detailed reply! Having an equally committed partner is definitely helpful in this case. I was thinking of leaving my TT/TV with my sister during deployment instead of storage - that’s still a viable move, yeah?
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    Full-Time RV Living: Worth it? (xpost from r/navy & r/military

    BLUF: Are there people here are, or know, people who live as full-time RVers even on sea duty? I'd like to draw upon their experience and really see if this is the right move for me. When I PCS to my next duty station, I'm considering selling all my furniture and dramatically downsizing to save...