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  1. L

    21 y/o did i screw my life over?

    @joan316 Yea you're probably going to need a secured line of credit where you put down a deposit. Main thing you are looking for is no annual or monthly fee. Keep it simple just spend $5 a month and pay in full. In fact the more you spend the more your credit scores drop.
  2. L

    21 y/o did i screw my life over?

    @joan316 Negative info falls off your credit reports after 7 years. You can start to rebuild now if you add some open accounts in good standing such as a secured credit card and a secured credit building loan. The negative info will still be there but as time goes on it will impact your credit...
  3. L

    H&R Block and Form 8959: The answer to a 4-year-old mystery

    @cheylynn If it lets you just skip that warning and efile as-is.