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  1. M

    ELI5 -- if a company's stock is considered non-compliant with shariah, is the income from working at that company also not compliant, i.e. not halal?

    @romans1013 Thanks! Although, if that's the reason the income would be okay, why couldn't that same rationale be used to justify purchasing stocks of other companies that deal in halal business, but have non-compliant financing?
  2. M

    ELI5 -- if a company's stock is considered non-compliant with shariah, is the income from working at that company also not compliant, i.e. not halal?

    This seems pretty straightforward to me, but some comments here got me thinking I might be missing something...thoughts? opinions? valid sources?
  3. M

    Who's Investing in CCIV?

    Got a few at $39+/share, extended hours tyvm :)
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    Who's Investing in CCIV?

    @betterorworse 😭 There's still MONDAY?! possibly...
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    Who's Investing in CCIV?

    @resjudicata Both Islamically and IFG?
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    Who's Investing in CCIV?

    @earvin oh okay, thanks!
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    Who's Investing in CCIV?

    @earvin what's dd?
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    Who's Investing in CCIV?

    @earvin extended-hours!? -- it's down to $39-40 now
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    Who's Investing in CCIV?

    It's a SPAC, which I've recently learned has the potential to be shariah-compliant...but you'll have to monitor at key points. See: Screenshot from Islamically IFG Conclusions CCIV on Finviz They're due to merge with Lucid Motors, which is on track to becoming another Tesla -- their C-suite...
  10. M

    What do you know about the ERISA Section 404(c) Plan (in the US)?

    According to I'm thinking this means I can invest in shariah-compliant ETFs and mutual funds. So, that's pretty exciting. Anyone else worked with this? Does it apply to all 401Ks or is this new? I don't recall self-direction being an option a couple years back.