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  1. B

    Do I need to pay tax when I sell PCs on eBay and Facebook market?

    @landonnate Please detail what part of the new legislation applies to Ebay? Specifics such as Section, Act etc will make it clear. I respect Martin Lewis hugely but he doesn't provide tax advice. As to the need to register can you explain what Section 7(7) Taxes Management Act 1970 means...
  2. B

    Do I need to pay tax when I sell PCs on eBay and Facebook market?

    @tendercarelawnservice If you had read the new rules you will have known that they don't apply to 'Auction sites'. They have been reporting transaction data to HMRC for a decade. HMRC match that data to their data. If you are not taxable they won't contact you.
  3. B

    Do I need to pay tax when I sell PCs on eBay and Facebook market?

    @landonnate No. There is an Exemption from notifying liability where you are not liable to tax on your income. Do not get involved in Self Assessment unless you really have to.
  4. B

    UK Capital Gains Tax Query - Second Property

    @spencer1997 Better bet is to transfer back to X then ensure spouse inherits it. No CGT on transfer back to spouse. No IHT on death - transfer to spouse. Limited CGT on sale as value on death is acquisition cost. All goes pear-shaped if spouse dies first (it can happen!)