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  1. D

    25 yr old with about 30k in savings and on a salary of 70k looking to make my next steps

    @merriweather Time in the market beats timing the market, always. If you have no money at all in the market you’re making a mistake. And no need to get so offended lad. This is a very low stakes interaction, don’t take it so seriously.
  2. D

    25 yr old with about 30k in savings and on a salary of 70k looking to make my next steps

    @merriweather I mean, what you said was that the stock market is so high atm that you don’t fancy it. That’s you saying you expect it to fall, aka you trying to time the market, which is not possible to do.
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    25 yr old with about 30k in savings and on a salary of 70k looking to make my next steps

    @merriweather Well you’ve missed out on the 23% gains that the S&P 500 has since over the last 6 months. You did not say previously that you needed the money within 5 years, but of course that would change the advice.
  4. D

    25 yr old with about 30k in savings and on a salary of 70k looking to make my next steps

    @merriweather How long have you been avoiding the stock market? Likely you have already massively lost out. You can’t time the market, it’s a fools errand to try.
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    25 yr old with about 30k in savings and on a salary of 70k looking to make my next steps

    @yuliette Haha fuck me the saltiness just because OP makes decent money at a young age.
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    25 yr old with about 30k in savings and on a salary of 70k looking to make my next steps

    @yuliette 10% deposit doesn’t apply to only FTB anymore.
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    25 yr old with about 30k in savings and on a salary of 70k looking to make my next steps

    @laxdax None of the above. Probably worth just waiting until OP replied before guessing.
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    25 yr old with about 30k in savings and on a salary of 70k looking to make my next steps

    @laxdax They don’t, he left Big 4 after qualification.
  9. D

    Withdrawing profits from ETF yearly a sensible idea?

    @thesartist Yeah that’s not how it works and 5 years is too short a period to look at. “The average stock market return of the S&P 500 is about 10% annually — and 6% to 7% when adjusted for inflation. Of course, there have been...
  10. D

    Withdrawing profits from ETF yearly a sensible idea?

    @thesartist “that goes up roughly 18% a year” It does not.