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    Should I surrender indexed universal life insurance policy?

    @plantlover What kind of sales job do you have? Like an internal wholesaler?
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    Should I surrender indexed universal life insurance policy?

    @blondie2 If an individual has maxed out their tax deferred accounts and already is sheltering income with real estate, then I see no problems with a well funded, properly structured IUL as one additional avenue for tax sheltered growth. The thing is that so many bad actors in the space sell...
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    Should I surrender indexed universal life insurance policy?

    @bandan Very nice of you to say that. Maybe I should seriously look into it as I do feel like I have a strong understanding of the mechanisms/levers within an IUL. My assumption on OP having option 2 is based purely on his age and that a 21 year old male would have minimal COI (assuming good...
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    Should I surrender indexed universal life insurance policy?

    @carolmariev11 Maybe I'll screenshot this post and send it to a recruiter😂
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    Should I surrender indexed universal life insurance policy?

    @easternpresent I'm just a regular Joe that has an IUL and has helped family members with their IULs. Would love to work for a carrier but I don't imagine I'd ever get a call back because my job history is in the customer service/retail field.
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    Should I surrender indexed universal life insurance policy?

    @vincey You DO have access to the cash value in retirement with loans from/against your policy. There are two loan types that most IUL's offer. The first type is called a non-participating loan, which is often referred to as a wash loan. The carrier will transfer the loan amount to a...
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    Should I surrender indexed universal life insurance policy?

    @vincey Don't surrender it. Switch to option 1 (level death benefit). Your cost of insurance will go down with each passing year and you'll get tax free growth which you won't get with 401k and IRA. Those will be ordinary income when you start taking RMDs one day.
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    Life Ins/Annuity Company sending claim form to non-beneficiary surviving adult child?

    @artzmel11 I'm sorry for the loss of both your parents in the same year. I hope someone can chime in with some answers for you. If not, I'd probably consider seeing an attorney if we're talking some considerable funds at stake.