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  1. L

    How do you mentally handle investing (e.g. analysis paralysis, stress, etc.)?

    @bereanmom You may be targeting a portfolio with too-high risk. Try to pick something that you will be comfortable with either going up or down. Or invest a little bit to get started. 10% this week, 10% next week, and so on. But again, you'll need to be comfortable with the end result. Write...
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    I’m confused about T-bills

    @skumar You pay the ask price. Not sure what you mean by discount value. If that's the discount basis, then that's an annualized figure. The yield. Per year. Currently 3mo tbills yield 5.44%, but rates are expected to fall, maybe around the summer, so you may get less than that over a full...
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    Who is buying 1 year Corporate bonds when treasuries pay more?

    @webdesignbellflower They aren't. Those numbers are incorrect in some way.
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    Who is buying 1 year Corporate bonds when treasuries pay more?

    @richardson217 Generally 'yield' of a bond is short for yield to maturity, while 'yield' of a fund is short for trailing twelve months dividend yield.
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    Trying to make sense out of Shiller P/E Ratio

    @donlor Businesses can't own their own stock. Any stock they buy back is called treasury stock and does not count towards ownership. They can own parts of other companies.
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    Do the annualized yields provided for funds/etfs (e.g. TTM and 30-day SEC) account for the funds' expense ratio?

    @phongtranh142 The person I replied to said the same thing. They were accurate but not relevant. As are you.
  7. L

    Do the annualized yields provided for funds/etfs (e.g. TTM and 30-day SEC) account for the funds' expense ratio?

    @pete2 Yield has NAV/price in the denominator, not the numerator. Reducing the NAV in the denominator by some expense ratio has the effect of slightly increasing the yield by that percentage (not percentage points). Surely that's not what you meant?