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  1. P

    Willing to jump, but still a bit afraid (open my own business)

    @enddayshappy When you say you want to open your own business, are you talking about an English school? Or a veterinary clinic? If it's a vet, are you licensed to be a vet in Japan? Do you have experience of that? Is your Japanese good enough to work with clients or would you just be the manager...
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    How does income tax work for self-employed consultant under G.K

    @cavitill You can count a lease as regular expenses. If you buy a car, you have to depreciate it over 6 years for a regular new car or 4 years for a new Kei car. You can depreciate it all in one year if it’s more than 4 years old. You can also expense insurance, gasoline etc as regular expenses.
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    How does income tax work for self-employed consultant under G.K

    @twhi I’ll just tackle questions 1 and 2. The word “income tax” implies personal income. A GK is a corporation, a separate entity from yourself as an individual, and therefore is subject to “corporate tax”. However, it’s normal to “employ” yourself at the GK (just like you’d be employed at any...
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    Trying to figure total cost of loan

    @blueskye30 Please search Google for “Amortization Calculation Formula”. I would type it out, but formatting here would make it look very bad. Also, if you tell the bank that you’d like to borrow money in order to invest, they’re very likely to turn you down.
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    Looking for a nice life insurance

    @enddayshappy It sounds like you might be looking for whole life insurance. However, if I may, I would like to offer an alternative. Whole life insurance is generally 10 times as expensive as term life insurance. Now, checking around a few insurance providers like SBI or AXA direct, I can see 10...
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    Is now a good time to buy NISA?

    @jwray Yes, it would. But the problem is, you don’t know when that’s going to happen, and neither do I. Also, when a dip does happen, you don’t know when it’s at the bottom, or whether it will dip more or rebound. Therefore, unless you have special psychic powers, it’s better to average into...
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    Inheritance Tax Hypothetical (am I understanding this correctly?)

    @achapman24 You could have stopped at “8 million yen”, because even before counting statutory heirs, its way below the basic inheritance tax deduction. Therefore, everyone will pay zero.
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    Is now a good time to buy NISA?

    @jwray Stocks generally go up over time. Not in a straight line, but generally up over time. That means, statistically, stocks will always be at an all time high. No one can say whether stocks will go down 20% or more this year or next. However, if you look at a 30 year chart of the S&P then...
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    Converting to a non-fixed term contract

    @faithfound Ok, we are talking about different topics, it seems.
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    Converting to a non-fixed term contract

    @faithfound No, that’s not correct. If you have a contract at the time of the 5 year mark, then you can switch. If you have a string of one year contracts, then you can switch after the 5th contract. If you have 3 year contracts, you can switch halfway through the second contract. Admittedly...
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    Converting to a non-fixed term contract

    @faithfound Employers don’t have the choice to switch you to an unlimited contract or not. As soon as the employee states that they would like to switch, it has legally happened.
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    Do you keep the 2.4 Million Allowance for the tax year?

    @shyguy1813 If you buy 2.4 million worth of something and then sell it, your allotment doesn’t come back until the next year.
  13. P

    Schedule C income

    @padraig2003 You know what? I totally missed the word “less”. It has been nice analyzing bad takes with you 😁
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    2022 Furusato Nozei Question Thread

    @mgreene Ok, I see. So, it sounds like you didn’t report your Furusato Nozei last year and therefore you’ve will have been paying your non-reduced residence tax. Luckily, you can amend this by doing what’s called a 還付申告 (tax refund), which effectively looks the same as a 確定申告 (final income tax...
  15. P

    How common is it for a company to give a maximum of 8 months bonus in Tokyo?

    @neuric I would say it’s not very common. Also, the fact that bonuses are on no way guaranteed together with the fact that you said “up to” would have me hands down choosing the offer from the competitor with the higher base pay.
  16. P

    Schedule C income

    @padraig2003 Is it? I read: Which sounds like “what the above person said is the correct answer. However, in case you are risk averse, my experience is that not mentioning anything is fine”. The “but” and the colon playing a big role… Either way, it’s not too important, it’s still a bad take.
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    2022 Furusato Nozei Question Thread

    @mgreene Sorry, could you clarify about the dates? You said “FY22”, but I think that’s this year… What did you do in what year?
  18. P

    Schedule C income

    @deryon Just to provide a supporting comment: @cechols implied that if you’re risk averse then you should engage in tax evasion. This is totally the opposite of true. This will definitely jeopardize your status in Japan and is not something to thank the commenter for. @kristhuy provided the...
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    GK spare money and taxes

    @alannaor A 4 year old car can be counted as an expense in one year. Less than 4 years and it has to be amortized.
  20. P

    GK spare money and taxes

    @zela Oh nice, ok then, presuming you don’t specialize in building websites yourself, it would be good to find a company that builds websites and have them start designing something for you. Good luck with it all! Don’t forget that Google ads or Facebook ads can also be counted as advertising...