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  1. B

    Boss not paying on time

    @john1277 It comes with the territory, I'm afraid. It's stressful, I know. There's not much you can really do about it, unfortunately. You can't get blood from a stone, I've been doing this for over 25 years, and it doesn't get any easier. In the end, it is just a relief that you have ever got...
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    Boss not paying on time

    @john1277 Yes, don't tell him you are leaving. You will go to the bottom of the pile of the people he owes money to. Look for alternative work and take sick days in-between payment. It shouldn't be like this, but it is.
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    Thoughts on Dave Ramsay’s Baby Steps in an NZ context?

    @shaulhatarsi Yeah I don't think I could relax with just $1000 for a sudden emergency? Emergencies as they are tend to be much more than 1k especially here? I did the same and saved more. That's now part of overall emergency fund.
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    Thoughts on Dave Ramsay’s Baby Steps in an NZ context?

    @shaulhatarsi I think they do it so people feel like they have achieved something? In a interview someone asked Dave if $1000 was enough now with the cost if living? He said "$1000 was never enough" even then, but it put people in a place where they thought they had started to achieve financial...
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    Thoughts on Dave Ramsay’s Baby Steps in an NZ context?

    @friendlyagnostic True, that's why they use the snowball method rathe than the avalanche method. I can't believe the credit card debt some people have? I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. I'd rather go without than do that.
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    Thoughts on Dave Ramsay’s Baby Steps in an NZ context?

    @biohazardfan03 Yeah, I think the snowball method is for people who are bad with money? The avalanche method makes more financial sense as you attack the highest debt excluding mortgage first.
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    Thoughts on Dave Ramsay’s Baby Steps in an NZ context?

    @joseph124 I'm religious too, I think some of his quotes are pretty fitting. The Bible actually has some pretty sound advice regarding financial matters (not that I've read them all) It doesn't really matter if your religious or not its a solid foundation I think. Maybe it puts some non...
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    Thoughts on Dave Ramsay’s Baby Steps in an NZ context?

    @resjudicata Yes if I had a fixed mortgage at 2.45% -3.25% for 30 years like some people in the US do I'd be investing more and not worrying about the mortgage as much? I had a rate of 2.45% until this month and was getting more intrest with that extra money in A TD.