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    Car insurance went up $520 after one at fault accident?!

    @mabet Thanks! Great minds think alike.
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    Car insurance went up $520 after one at fault accident?!

    @manyan OP should call the agent and see how much the price would change if they took them and the car off the policy. The difference in the price with them on there and without the on there is what the actual cost of OPs insurance is.
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    Car insurance went up $520 after one at fault accident?!

    @manyan lol, me neither. Good look!
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    Car insurance went up $520 after one at fault accident?!

    @manyan Np. Just clarifying. I have an Allstate sign in my window, but i'm independent. I don't want anyone driving by looking for an independent and ignore those of us who have an Allstate appt but also many others.
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    Car insurance went up $520 after one at fault accident?!

    @manyan All Allstate agents aren't captive. j/s
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    Home was destroyed by massive tree in 80mph wind. Insurance has been like pulling teeth to make claim. Is this normal?

    @resjudicata It’s not hard to respond that the claim is being processed. No contact with a policyholder is unacceptable.
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    Home was destroyed by massive tree in 80mph wind. Insurance has been like pulling teeth to make claim. Is this normal?

    @hollywoodbowles I'd take a day off and stay on the phone until you got someone on the phone who would take care of you. Keep on asking for supervisors and their supervisors until someone gets your claim moving. I've got 2 elderly people living with me, and they would be pitching a fit if we...
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    Car Accident - They Ran a Red Light

    @louisianaclark Get a dash cam. This happens all the time.
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    $2,500 vs $5,000 deductible

    @justmeoverhere Sounds reasonable to me if you can afford it. Mines not that big a difference between $2500 and $5000 so we have the lower one. We don't make small claims, but on a 10,000+ i'd still rather not pay the extra 2500 out.