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  1. F

    JP Morgan is rolling out a robo-adviser with free ETFs to lure new investors

    @darkblessings So wait , they charge a 0.35% fee for a robo advisor but the underlying investments are free....that isn't a good deal at all. Current robo advisor fees are about 0.15% I mean wealthfront , betterment charge 0.15% and the underlying funds probably add 0.05% . Schwab has a free...
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    Series I Savings Bonds for 501(c)3 organizations?

    @redgleek From here under who can own an I bond Basically only individual, estates and possibly trusts
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    Meme-Stock Influencers Charged in $114 Million Fraud Scheme

    @kebliss This is a half truth and context matters , when GME was trading for $1 a share or less (split adjusted) he thought it was undervalued , he even goes on to mention a target that it could go to $15/20 a share what at the time was a 200-400% increase depending . He also thought buying...
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    Is it possible to buy US Treasury Bonds (T-bills, T-notes) as European?

    @evietheturtle This is not really true. Well its sort of is but new issue bonds future profits are already priced in as well so there is no real difference Buying a new issue 2 year bond is pretty much equivalent of buying a 10 year bond that was issued 8 years ago with 2 years to maturity...
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    Interview w/ Atlanta Fed President Raphael Bostic

    @gregorybnorman Its not just demand from Millennials it is supply too, pre 2008 GFC the USA was building 2 million new houses a year, then it dropped off a cliff and never really recovered Yes part was the GFC and recession and oversupply , but the more I study the housing market the more I...
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    Meme-Stock Influencers Charged in $114 Million Fraud Scheme

    @michaeljamess Like I don't care if your DD is somewhat basic, or even rudimentary, however what kills me is when you have like 5 pages of "DD" and go on about past news, products ect....then have ZERO MENTION OF FINANCIALS! Zero mention of debt, zero mention of current assets, zero mention of...
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    Interview w/ Atlanta Fed President Raphael Bostic

    @gregorybnorman I am not sure why because I have heard central bankers say the following as sort of a swipe at law makers and their inability to get anything done something like "The Central Bank has one tool, interest rates and its a bludgeon not a scalpel , we do not set fiscal policy , we...
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    Future of retail investing w/ETFs & Index Funds

    @nelxoxox I was speaking from first hand experience. I am an consultant that helps implement ERP systems what means I am part project manger, part accountant, part programmer (what I went to school for) . Make no mistake we did plenty of remote work before but 2017/2018/2019 I probably spent...
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    Future of retail investing w/ETFs & Index Funds

    @skitta I am personally bullish long term, not talking next 2-5 years who knows I am talking 15+ years out. First It think COVID forced companies and people to adapt, it forced companies to use remote work forces. I believe this will increase worker productivity , allowing companies to do more...
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    Why get an IRA if you have a (401)k?

    @mitchrad In addition to what other people have said the advantage of an IRA is basically this It may be lower fees than your 401k, some 401k charge admin fees that can be hundreds of dollars (some employers cover this) however you can open up an IRA at a brokerage and basically be charged zero...