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    Rate my Finance + Need Opinion

    @kate1989 Then you have rm500 buffer. Can la. You just need to be disciplined and save that rm500 consistently every month.
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    Rate my Finance + Need Opinion

    @erniedavid It’s very dangerous. You don’t have any buffer at all. Does your wife work or are you a single income household? What is your current car? I’d suggest you try to save up rm1500 per month for a few months to see if you can take the extra expense. If you are able to do it by then...
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    Seek advice on job role transition

    @phunnyfilosophy Bro by right u are taking more risk. 10 percent less for a chance of an extra month. Might as well sit where you are. In any case, I bet the 10% is worth more to you than it does to the company and since they are asking you to take on more responsibility, the least they at...
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    Jump to 2 years contract in Oil n Gas, or remain at permanent office role?

    @notaperfectchristian Bro about the promise to convert to permanent, that’s just the carrot they dangle infront of u. Every contract position they will say can convert but it seldom happens. The 3 month bonus is also a big factor. Contract position don’t expect bonus unless it’s stated in...