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  1. J

    X-Post from r/personalfinance: 20 y/o, Military, Career/Financial Advice Requested

    @cubcadetlover Read that and glossed right over it. You are right; I stand corrected.
  2. J

    X-Post from r/personalfinance: 20 y/o, Military, Career/Financial Advice Requested

    @playingforthelord I am not sure about HPSP but I don't think that's correct for service academies.
  3. J

    X-Post from r/personalfinance: 20 y/o, Military, Career/Financial Advice Requested

    @kita_q FYI - Academy service time does not count towards your 20 years of service for a pension, so you need to factor an additional 4 years of service into your equations.
  4. J

    How is anyone enlisted still buying a house ?

    Check out the correlation to the M2
  5. J

    How is anyone enlisted still buying a house ?

    @turtledove13 Retired E7 and agent here… I sincerely think we are in a lot of trouble. This is the outcome of at least 15 years of blank checks to banks and hedge funds. I go back-and-forth between whether or not this slow burn is the future, or if a black swan will crash the market. Or if the...