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  1. H

    Price cap details - regional breakdown

    @clarionation How frustrating.
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    Price cap details - regional breakdown

    @clarionation Are you fucking kidding me?
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    How long have they been charging us 6.5% on Student loans? 🫣😂

    @paulamasu The foolish part is staying in the UK if you're so marketable.
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    Price cap details - regional breakdown

    @quietthinker Check the standing charge, yo. Sincerely, someone in the South West.
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    How long have they been charging us 6.5% on Student loans? 🫣😂

    @jerryargot And that the generations before you never had to pay this, received higher wages relative to the cost of living, paid lower taxes and now receive a non-meanstested £200/week for their trouble.
  6. H

    Price cap details - regional breakdown

    @jeffztus RemindMe! 3 weeks
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    Price cap details - regional breakdown

    @jeffztus I agree, partially. I think the component you're underestimating is the elasticity of energy demand. My prediction is that we are going to see the average use figures come down significantly this year as people pull out all the stops to try and save as much energy as possible. The...
  8. H

    Price cap details - regional breakdown

    @daisiesrwild Even the gross figure so often quoted for our contribution to the EU though were only £350m/week. The NHS (or freezing the price cap for a year) costs £2.6bn/week.
  9. H

    Price cap details - regional breakdown

    @jeffztus I'm seeing this sentiment a lot, but consider the fact that the government already spent £30bn on trying to address this. To freeze bills where they are now until January would cost an additional £42bn. To freeze them for a year would cost £130bn based on current projections. For...
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    Price cap details - regional breakdown

    @bebopkid Frontline NHS here. We've had to cram patients into literal cupboards over the summer. What was our gym is now patient bedspaces. What was our dining room is now patient bedspaces. We had two offices at the start of the year, guess what they are now - that's right, patient bedspaces...
  11. H

    Stocks and Shares ISA or Guaranteed 8% YoY?

    @sabin Depends how you look at it but yeah I take your point.
  12. H

    Stocks and Shares ISA or Guaranteed 8% YoY?

    @daisychainlove Nationwide currently paying 8% on £200/month tbf, so it does happen but yeah you're not going to find those rates anywhere you can plonk a considerable sum.
  13. H

    How does tax work when providing liquidity to DeFi pools?

    @riot Lol I would say I agree. That said if you don't make more than £1000 in gross income revenue, and no more than £13000 gross from sale of assets in doing it and have no other side hustle to use those allowances then just use your trading allowance rather than working it out properly.
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    How does tax work when providing liquidity to DeFi pools?

    @riot To be accurate with the tax calculations, if you're paid every second then technically yes you need to account for every second. At that point though the rate limiting step becomes the polling rate of the exchange rate so you only need to account for the payments which have accrued by each...
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    How does tax work when providing liquidity to DeFi pools?

    @riot Yes, this is the bane of my life whenever a bear market comes as a miner because if I get paid when I'm asleep I end up paying tax on more income than I actually end up being able to realise
  16. H

    Low energy dehumidifiers worth the investment?

    @cinamon Barely anyone has heat pumps though tbf, so really you need to compare with gas - remembering ofc that dryer air costs less to heat, so it's not as simple as a straight cost comparison.
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    How does tax work when providing liquidity to DeFi pools?

    @riot Yes, and you are taxed when you earn it regardless of when you claim it.
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    How does tax work when providing liquidity to DeFi pools?

    @riot Taxable disposal for CGT. Taxable disposal for CGT. Taxable disposal for CGT. Taxed as income at your marginal rate. Taxable disposal for CGT at each step then staking reward taxed as income at your marginal rate. Taxable disposal for CGT at each step Taxable disposal for CGT...
  19. H

    Low energy dehumidifiers worth the investment?

    @tigerangel Can attest that the woodburning stove + dehumidifier combo I'm having to run at my house currently due to a major plumbing issue is extremely potent.