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  1. I

    S&P500 client ISO financial planner

    @luckybarrelracer I hope you can appreciate that I don't want to broadcast the details of my asset movements. Suffice it to say that your hypothetical is in the ballpark.
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    S&P500 client ISO financial planner

    @luckybarrelracer The intermediate Roth move is to get a bucket that will grow tax-free the rest of my life.
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    S&P500 client ISO financial planner

    @luckybarrelracer Please point me on how to find these advisors!
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    S&P500 client ISO financial planner

    @newway Well . . . I should add that I'd like the financial planner to be at least 20 years my junior. (And a non-smoker with a BMI < 25.) After all, I'm looking for someone to take over as I mentally decline and need high assurance they'll outlive me.
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    S&P500 client ISO financial planner

    Life is, currently, very good. I'm a DIY kind of guy and have managed my wealth and taxes just fine. However, the time will come when I can't do this myself. Also, it takes some time to manage and there are other things I want to do with my time. I'd like a financial planner to just move/sell...