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    A fellow employee at our McD’s got knocked in the drive-thru a few weeks ago and finally got paid out

    @gamefabrique Use money to pay lawyer to get a bigger payout because this is nothing (still think op is trolling)
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    A fellow employee at our McD’s got knocked in the drive-thru a few weeks ago and finally got paid out

    @gamefabrique Thought this post is taking a piss? No way this can be real?
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    Car recommendations under R450 000

    @passiongirl Eish. Hectic. I'll stay clear then
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    Car recommendations under R450 000

    @passiongirl So I have been searching around, mainly out of curiosity, and I see that the second hand Havals have not dropped considerably in value from new ones. Is the narrative of low resale value in Havals backed by evidence? This is a serious question out of curiosity.
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    Should I buy a car or apartment?

    @stinna Because unos are fairly unsafe? I can believe a cheap car, but a bit safer than uno?
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    Should I buy a car or apartment?

    @stinna I'm not making a point that you should show off, I'm just finding it hard to believe a millionaire driving an uno, thats all.
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    Should I buy a car or apartment?

    @jrm62 Multimillionaire in a fiat uno? Mmm