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  1. S

    [California] I got a job. Somehow. What do I do for my unemployment until I start it?

    @confusedsoul369 No matter what, do not stop your certifications. When you certify... just report your earnings when you start working, and then the EDD website will do its work to determine if you're still eligible for benefits or not
  2. S

    [california] PHASE 2 people - lets chill out on the posting of questions about payment (just for today) - just a suggestion

    @joseppi It aint even really the phase 2 ppl..... more or so phase 1 saying they got paid. Yesterday there were like 20 posts under an hour about lwa (phase 2 i know) and also that phase 1 has seen changes and/or recieved updates to UI or got the money