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    Anyone concerned AI will take their jobs?

    @chaemb That's awesome! I do technical writing and marketing, so it helps accelerate content development drafts. But they do need a lot of editing still, and it only works with the right information uploaded into it. Otherwise, it pulls in things that are more relevant to our competitors than us.
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    Anyone concerned AI will take their jobs?

    @resjudicata I work in marketing, so I'm learning how to use it to become better at my job. All AI is only as good as the prompt and the data it has. Learn to use it effectively.
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    $15k tax return. What to do?

    @ez_fx Especially since I've heard the new W-4 is really confusing. I haven't had to adjust, so unsure why. But, I've seen some griping about it.
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    Anyone concerned AI will take their jobs?

    @resjudicata LOL I know multiple people who worked at Accenture and from my understanding, the company is basically 3 kids in a trench coat.
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    Anyone concerned AI will take their jobs?

    @singleloser50 Yeah I was thinking AMRs since that's what my company works with. I get what you're saying about robotic arms and such though.
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    Anyone concerned AI will take their jobs?

    @resjudicata Robots run on AI lol. They always have.