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  1. C

    OK boomer - House prices have doubled as a proportion of salary since 1970

    @uriel_1 going regional all you are going to have is some places that are better, but some places that are much much worse. i have found this map which is regional
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    OK boomer - House prices have doubled as a proportion of salary since 1970

    @hearken777 Lol yeah I was just saying that they existed, not that they were a good idea.
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    OK boomer - House prices have doubled as a proportion of salary since 1970

    @cinamon You used to be able to get 100% LTV mortgages, and that was when interest rates were higher
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    I’m finding it really hard to get motivated to go back to work after 5 months out.

    @jdsh419 That's fair enough, if you personally wanted to respect the companies wishes with regards to full time work, but as you said, they were fine with you seeking part time work, which you also chose not to do. Perhaps this is a sign of depression so I would definitely advise you to see your...
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    I’m finding it really hard to get motivated to go back to work after 5 months out.

    @jdsh419 Did you sign anything to that effect? A company can't force you to resign because you have another job, if that other job is affecting your ability to do your job, they can fire you, but you had no duties. They couldn't fire you so all they could do was ask you to resign, and unless...
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    I’m finding it really hard to get motivated to go back to work after 5 months out.

    @soft_pink True, not everyone is lucky enough to have someone like that in their life though.
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    I’m finding it really hard to get motivated to go back to work after 5 months out.

    @geneh43 Those are fair points, I didn't consider the fact that they may have inferred the existence of, or been promised a job to go back to.
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    I’m finding it really hard to get motivated to go back to work after 5 months out.

    @soft_pink 3 weeks < 5 months though, the point is they shot themselves in the foot by not looking for work immediately. It may seem harsh, but it's a hard truth. they could have been earning money on top of the 5 months of full pay, but they chose to get paid to do nothing for 5 months.