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  1. J

    How has divorce affected u financially?

    @dcadman Im so grateful we were able to avoid this, the added stress and cost of this guff really wouldve made the experience so much more damaging, i wish u best for a viable and amicable end to it ❤️
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    How has divorce affected u financially?

    @mikiathemormon Yes often wondered this if people stay in a relationship for financial reasons, its not a good foundation but I suspected it happens. We r both happier now despite our separation and financial deterioration.
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    How much of a premium does a Cash offer deserve?

    @maranatha111 No probs at all and goooood luck with it. And i 💙🐶 how u called me wags btw 😘
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    How has divorce affected u financially?

    @chromechris Yes do not do this!!!
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    How much of a premium does a Cash offer deserve?

    @maranatha111 Its a good question but also symptomatic of why buyers get frustrated. If u are satisfied at 1.1 million and happy to do the deal, ensure the other offerers know theres a better one on table and why. Give them a chance to increase offer and in unconditional terms with timefrane and...
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    How has divorce affected u financially?

    @amarie07 Something like that!
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    How has divorce affected u financially?

    @crafty A DV situation is just horrible i know of a few and its heartbreaking to hear how one partner is trapped idk how people can be like this to one another, very sad and disturbing. So pleased that u got away from that toxicity, and back on u r feet and doing well now xx. Our mental...
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    How has divorce affected u financially?

    @homeby5 The last line is 🌞👍😚 so pleased overall its this xx
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    How has divorce affected u financially?

    @resjudicata Ture true hence my Q, good to gain perspective and yours is quite diff from the standard on AusFinance in that it is a good one! 👏
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    How has divorce affected u financially?

    @keziahnz Haha good tips but she's actually perfectly happy with more basic stuff now, shes got the whole designer brand thing out of her system guveb shed have to pay for it herself 😄 - we have a good laugh about this stuff. I just tell her she'd better not have sold those Burberry, Givenchy...
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    How has divorce affected u financially?

    @abexiii Yes agreed after a few mnths space, separation, where we sorted out our 😈 relationship demons, im eternally grateful we were able to re connect as the friends we had always been and this enabled us to thankfully navigate a divorce outcome that was mutually agreeable and free of lawyer...
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    How has divorce affected u financially?

    @resjudicata Yeah our mutual friends - we still catch up together at times - all say to both of us how she used to boss me around and wear the pants....they say it now but didnt dare say anything when we were together. Its very funny tbh and even worse she admits it....says "yeah i did, good...
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    How has divorce affected u financially?

    @brandonm27 Eeek that sux, tbh my ex was similar, but buying luxury designer shoes etc (mail delivered to work) haha but we could even afford those at the time (not as bad as a coke habit tho). We laugh about the designer purchases now 😆 (cause she shops at kmart n target these days👏) - its good...
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    How has divorce affected u financially?

    @homeowner Nice, well done, good to hear a rebuilding good news story xx
  15. J

    How has divorce affected u financially?

    For people been thru divorce/separation, how has it impacted u financially? I went thru divorce in 2018 and its kinda screwed both myself and partner financially. It was completely amicable but what it meant was shifting from a comfortable 2x income + existence to 1x single Y struggles...